These pages will show the build of the first of our Seaking’s, for information on the kit click here We’ll be posting updates for the Sea King as and when things progress, so keep checking back for latest news.
The section below is a guide to assembling the undercarriage.
Cut two holes in the fuselage side to allow themain spar to pass through.The position for this is marked in the moulding.
The position for the spar to enter thewheel pods can be marked using thefront moulding line as a referencepoint.This is the same for both wheel pods.
The bracket needs to be attached to thewoodwork with 2 M3 x 10mm bolts and captive nuts, using the previously cuthole to align the bracket.The woodwork can then be glued into placetaking care to align it inside the wheel pod to give the correct angle of the pod inrelationship with the fuselage.
Also making sure that the pod is at 90 degreesto the main spar.
Although the undercarriage mechanism is supplied pre assembled it will need to be taken apart to enable it to be fitted into the fuselage.When re-assembling great care must be taken NOT to over tighten the M3 x 8mm bolts which go into the main spar. These need to be thread lockedwhen final fitting.
If your going to fit nav lights its a goodidea to run the wiring for the LED’s at this point, before you glue in the woodwork.
This is the paint scheme for the first model.
The brackets that hold the 6mm rod are fixed inside the wheel sponsons.
The winglets can then be trimmed to fitand glued in place.
As on the full sized helicopter thewinglets don’t fit flush up to the side of the fuselage